Blog Archive
John Cook: Monckton Myths - a one-stop-shop for Mo...
Deborah Phelan: Egypt's Next Crisis: Climate Chang...
Pompous Prat Alert! Viscount Monckton: Dangerousl...
Social pariahs, threat to democracy, national secu...
Richard Black, BBC: Arctic canary looking sicker t...
Mural Dyslexia: Is Blindness on Clean Air, Climate...
Monster Tropical Cyclone Yasi a very, very serious...
Time history of atmospheric CO2
Monckton scared to death of documentary
Dislike the Koch Brothers on Facebook
Dr. Andrew Dessler's letter to the Wall Street Jou...
Estimated 800 to 1,000 protesters from a spectrum ...
earthship koch: rec this up
Charles & David Koch -- wanted for climate crimes,...
25 arrested at Palm Springs' Rancho Las Palmas Res...
New link: Koch Watch -- Greatest threat to democr...
Koch Industries: The 100-Million Ton Carbon Gorill...
Boycott Koch products and join the facebook group ...
Uncloak the Kochs: The Billionaires Caucus and its...
Follow-Up Case Study in Skepticism
Solo Sailor Recounts Grim State Of Southern Oceans
Temperatures of North Atlantic “are unprecedented ...
"This Country Is Moving In The Direction Of An Oli...
Scenario to cap world emissions of CO2 by 2020 is ...
oil-rich climate deniers Charles and David Koch go...
Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife: Not Even Canadians...
How to get the boob tube to tell the truth about c...
Must see-listen talk by Richard Littlemore on clim...
Illinois Lures Wind Farm Away from Missouri with B...
U.S. Chamber of Commerce dug further into denial o...
Koch brothers' subversion of democracy continues: ...
No evidence of grapes being grown on Greenland by ...
Astonishing record-smashing 600-billion-ton ice-sh...
Jeff Masters: The ARkStorm: California's coming g...
Ulf Büntgen et al., Science (13 January 2011), 250...
Greenpeace airship sends message to secretive oil ...
Robert F. Spielhagen et al., Science (28 January 2...
Monthly Atmospheric 13C/12C Isotopic Ratios for 11...
Skepticgate: Revealing Climate Denialists for What...
Fred Singer is a lot like George Costanza [Fred Si...
Marco Tedesco et al., Environ Res Lett, 6 (January...
Help us stop the spread of Mad Billionaire's Disea...
Bayer's neonicotinoid pesticides linked to honey b...
Pine Island Glacier: water channels underneath le...
President Barack Obama: State of the Union Addres...
Skeptical Science: Ten temperature records in a s...
Mark Boslough: Climate-change deniers ignore science
Dagmar Budikova, Global and Planetary Change, 68 (...
Linda J. Beaumont et al., PNAS (2011), Impacts of ...
"Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth...
Andrew Mackintosh et al., Nature Geosci., (2011), ...
Andrew Mackintosh: In the past most loss of ice fr...
A case study in climate science integrity -- Richa...
What's "Normal" Weather Is About to Officially Change
Barry Bickmore: My reply to Senator Hatch
Patrick Michaels, noted tool of billionaire Koch b...
Corrupt George Mason University still not acting o...
Boycott products made by Koch subsidiaries, includ...
Climate change: Driving straight into catastrophe
Joseph Romm: Must-see James Delingpole meltdown on...
Nature Climate Change, January 25, 2011, contents
Andrew C. Revkin, Dot Earth, NYT: NASA’s Hansen Pr...
NYT: If California's earthquakes weren’t enough, e...
Justin Gillis, NYT: Cold Is Tied to Weaker Arctic ...
Chris Hedges: Where Liberals Go to Feel Good
Um... Greenland's ice sheet melt in 2010 broke record
Jeff Masters: 2011 -- Year of the Flood
NPR: Changing Climate Means Changing Oceans
Another terrific ABC News story — on the role glob...
The attorneys representing Amazonian communities i...
Waxman asks Upton to examine Patrick Michaels’s Fu...
Marios D. Demetriou et al., Nature Materials (Janu...
Nature Materials (January 2011), Transparency in p...
The integrity of Supreme Court justices ought to b...
It's time to quarantine the Koch brothers
Ian Fraser: Myopic Metrics and Blind Alleys for Hi...
NPR’s Steve Inskeep and Politifact’s Bill Adair mo...
Letter to the President: “The nation’s biggest pol...
Military v climate spending: How China outguns the...
Skeptical Science: "A Flanner in the Works for Sno...
International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook ...
A furious reaction to the Australian Government's ...
We can’t beat China at cleantech as long as GOP ke...
Top USDA bee researcher, Jeffrey Pettis, also foun...
With health care 'repealed,' GOP turns to climate ...
Where the GOP presidential contenders stand on cli...
Climate-induced mayhem likely to start in Bangladesh
NPR: Michael Mann comments on "Could climate chang...
Rising waters threaten North Carolina, and nationa...
Volcanic cloud and lightning
The Climate Show, No. 5: "On a hot wet green roof"
James Hansen: "The Price of Change" in the South C...
Must-read Hansen and Sato draft paper: We are at a...
Scott Mandia: A Meteorologist Falls for the Sunspo...
World's Scientists Flummoxed by Snowstorm by Jen S...
Joseph Romm: Canada sees staggering mildness as p...
"Water in the Hole: Postcard From Australia": Bar...
M. G. Flanner et al., Nature Geosci. (2011), Radia...
New study measuring the albedo effect of Arctic Se...
Pine Island Glacier: water channels underneath let warmer ocean water melt it from beneath
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A gravity instrument, flown during NASA's Operation IceBridge campaign in 2009, revealed the presence of a sinuous channel (blue) below West Antarctica's Pine Island ice shelf. The channel allows warm ocean water to reach the grounding line, leading to melting of the ice shelf from below. Credit: NASA
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