Blog Archive
- John Cook: Monckton Myths - a one-stop-shop for Mo...
- Deborah Phelan: Egypt's Next Crisis: Climate Chang...
- Pompous Prat Alert! Viscount Monckton: Dangerousl...
- Social pariahs, threat to democracy, national secu...
- Richard Black, BBC: Arctic canary looking sicker t...
- Mural Dyslexia: Is Blindness on Clean Air, Climate...
- Monster Tropical Cyclone Yasi a very, very serious...
- Time history of atmospheric CO2
- Monckton scared to death of documentary
- Dislike the Koch Brothers on Facebook
- Dr. Andrew Dessler's letter to the Wall Street Jou...
- Estimated 800 to 1,000 protesters from a spectrum ...
- earthship koch: rec this up
- Charles & David Koch -- wanted for climate crimes,...
- 25 arrested at Palm Springs' Rancho Las Palmas Res...
- New link: Koch Watch -- Greatest threat to democr...
- Koch Industries: The 100-Million Ton Carbon Gorill...
- Boycott Koch products and join the facebook group ...
- Uncloak the Kochs: The Billionaires Caucus and its...
- Follow-Up Case Study in Skepticism
- Solo Sailor Recounts Grim State Of Southern Oceans
- Temperatures of North Atlantic “are unprecedented ...
- "This Country Is Moving In The Direction Of An Oli...
- Scenario to cap world emissions of CO2 by 2020 is ...
- oil-rich climate deniers Charles and David Koch go...
- Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife: Not Even Canadians...
- How to get the boob tube to tell the truth about c...
- Must see-listen talk by Richard Littlemore on clim...
- Illinois Lures Wind Farm Away from Missouri with B...
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce dug further into denial o...
- Koch brothers' subversion of democracy continues: ...
- No evidence of grapes being grown on Greenland by ...
- Astonishing record-smashing 600-billion-ton ice-sh...
- Jeff Masters: The ARkStorm: California's coming g...
- Ulf Büntgen et al., Science (13 January 2011), 250...
- Greenpeace airship sends message to secretive oil ...
- Robert F. Spielhagen et al., Science (28 January 2...
- Monthly Atmospheric 13C/12C Isotopic Ratios for 11...
- Skepticgate: Revealing Climate Denialists for What...
- Fred Singer is a lot like George Costanza [Fred Si...
- Marco Tedesco et al., Environ Res Lett, 6 (January...
- Help us stop the spread of Mad Billionaire's Disea...
- Bayer's neonicotinoid pesticides linked to honey b...
- Pine Island Glacier: water channels underneath le...
- President Barack Obama: State of the Union Addres...
- Skeptical Science: Ten temperature records in a s...
- Mark Boslough: Climate-change deniers ignore science
- Dagmar Budikova, Global and Planetary Change, 68 (...
- Linda J. Beaumont et al., PNAS (2011), Impacts of ...
- "Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth...
- Andrew Mackintosh et al., Nature Geosci., (2011), ...
- Andrew Mackintosh: In the past most loss of ice fr...
- A case study in climate science integrity -- Richa...
- What's "Normal" Weather Is About to Officially Change
- Barry Bickmore: My reply to Senator Hatch
- Patrick Michaels, noted tool of billionaire Koch b...
- Corrupt George Mason University still not acting o...
- Boycott products made by Koch subsidiaries, includ...
- Climate change: Driving straight into catastrophe
- Joseph Romm: Must-see James Delingpole meltdown on...
- Nature Climate Change, January 25, 2011, contents
- Andrew C. Revkin, Dot Earth, NYT: NASA’s Hansen Pr...
- NYT: If California's earthquakes weren’t enough, e...
- Justin Gillis, NYT: Cold Is Tied to Weaker Arctic ...
- Chris Hedges: Where Liberals Go to Feel Good
- Um... Greenland's ice sheet melt in 2010 broke record
- Jeff Masters: 2011 -- Year of the Flood
- NPR: Changing Climate Means Changing Oceans
- Another terrific ABC News story — on the role glob...
- The attorneys representing Amazonian communities i...
- Waxman asks Upton to examine Patrick Michaels’s Fu...
- Marios D. Demetriou et al., Nature Materials (Janu...
- Nature Materials (January 2011), Transparency in p...
- The integrity of Supreme Court justices ought to b...
- It's time to quarantine the Koch brothers
- Ian Fraser: Myopic Metrics and Blind Alleys for Hi...
- NPR’s Steve Inskeep and Politifact’s Bill Adair mo...
- Letter to the President: “The nation’s biggest pol...
- Military v climate spending: How China outguns the...
- Skeptical Science: "A Flanner in the Works for Sno...
- International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook ...
- A furious reaction to the Australian Government's ...
- We can’t beat China at cleantech as long as GOP ke...
- Top USDA bee researcher, Jeffrey Pettis, also foun...
- With health care 'repealed,' GOP turns to climate ...
- Where the GOP presidential contenders stand on cli...
- Climate-induced mayhem likely to start in Bangladesh
- NPR: Michael Mann comments on "Could climate chang...
- Rising waters threaten North Carolina, and nationa...
- Volcanic cloud and lightning
- The Climate Show, No. 5: "On a hot wet green roof"
- James Hansen: "The Price of Change" in the South C...
- Must-read Hansen and Sato draft paper: We are at a...
- Scott Mandia: A Meteorologist Falls for the Sunspo...
- World's Scientists Flummoxed by Snowstorm by Jen S...
- Joseph Romm: Canada sees staggering mildness as p...
- "Water in the Hole: Postcard From Australia": Bar...
- M. G. Flanner et al., Nature Geosci. (2011), Radia...
- New study measuring the albedo effect of Arctic Se...
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1 comment:
ROFLMAO and then some! Aide asked "is this true" and lo, it was so ...
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