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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Roger Pielke, Jr., says he does fundamental research -- give me a break!!!

Roger Pielke, Jr., says he does fundamental research -- give me a break!!!  

Then, he claims that the IPCC consults with him. The idiot interviewer doesn't know enough about the subject to call him on this, and furthermore says the IPCC committed "two major blunders."  Fire her now!  (Oh, I forgot.  There are no real science journalists anymore.)

Actually, there are -- but they do not work for BBC TV.

WARNING:  Put head in strong vice before watching this YouTube video!!!

Full details on the truth about Roger Pielke, Jr., and his abysmal grasp of the truth may be found here:

Oh Lord, and Pielke claims there is no increase in costs of disasters due to climate change.  Yeah, right -- so I guess the insurance companies are not raising their rates.  Try getting full coverage homeowner's insurance in Florida, or along the U.S. East Coast.


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