Monstrous Hail Falls, Possible New National Record?

by Kristen Rodman, Staff Writer, July 28, 2010
A 1.9-pound hailstone plummeted to the ground as high winds and ample rain continued to fall last Friday afternoon. The massive hailstone is likely on its way to setting a new U.S. national record.
Discovered by ranch hand Les Scott, the hailstone measured 8 inches in diameter with an 18.5-inch circumference, and many believe the current national record hasn't a chance.
"Officially, where records have been kept, this will be the U.S. record and world record for weight. So very impressive," said Mike Fowle of the National Weather Service in a Keloland Television article.

Image Courtesy of NOAA
Sources from the National Climatic Data Center say that the National Climate Extremes Committee will issue a statement this week stating that indeed a new national record has been set for the largest hailstone in both weight and diameter for the U.S. The previous record was held by a hailstone that fell seven years ago, in Aurora, Neb.
However, a national record is not the only thing brought upon by the storms.
Accompanying the monstrous hail was also significant damage that stacked up after the storm ceased.
Holes, cracks and dents in house roofs, windows and paneling, vehicles and yards were apparent after the storms. So now as the residents of Vivian wait to see if a new national record was set they also wait to see just how much the storm's damage is going to cost them.
"I didn't think it was near that, but I'm glad I got it I guess," said Les Scott to Keloland Television referring to the giant hailstone."I'm just sad about the town of Vivian. I hope the insurance people help them out as much as they can because they need it."
Related to the story: Was Largest Hail Stone Record Broken Friday?
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