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Sunday, March 1, 2009

REVEALED: Marc Morano’s Pack of Climate Denial Jokers

REVEALED: Marc Morano’s Pack of Climate Denial Jokers


The Wonk Room, February 17, 2009 -- Marc Morano, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK)’s environmental communications director, sits at the center of the right-wing global warming denier propaganda machine — of 52 people. Conservative columnist Fred Barnes recently refused to tell TPM Muckraker who’s informed him “the case for global warming” is falling apart, but all signs point to Marc Morano. Morano’s “entire job,” Gristmill’s David Roberts explains, “is to aggregate every misleading factoid, every attack on climate science or scientists, every crank skeptical statement from anyone in the world and send it all out periodically in email blasts” to the right-wing echo chamber. The Wonk Room has acquired Morano’s e-mail list, and we can now reveal the pack of climate skeptics, conservative bloggers, and corporate hacks who feed the misinformation machine.

Promoted on the Drudge Report and Fox News, Morano’s moronic misinformation enters mainstream discourse through columns by Barnes, George Will, Robert Samuelson, and others. Many in the Morano gang are funded by right-wing think tanks, though a few are committed activists, conspiracy theorists who believe their homebrew interpretations of climate data. Others are aging scientists with strong conservative beliefs, motivating them to challenge action on global warming not because they disbelieve its existence, but because they are ideologically opposed to regulation of pollution:

Marc Morano’s Pack Of Climate Denial Jokers
Marc Morano, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), Committee on the Environment and Public Works
The Scientists
Name Website Affiliations
Bob Carter
James Cook University, Queensland, Australia
John Christy
University of Alabama at Huntsville
David Deming
University of Oklahoma /
National Center for Policy Analysis
David Douglass
University of Rochester
Don Easterbrook
Western Washington University
Stanley Goldenberg
Vincent Gray
New Zealand Climate Science Coalition /
Natural Resources Stewardship Project
William Gray
Colorado State University (ret.)
Ben Herman
University of Arizona
Craig Idso Arizona State University /
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
Richard Lindzen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roger Pielke
Colorado State University (ret.)
James A. Peden
Extranuclear Laboratories (ret.)
Hans Schreuder Rocky Mountain Research Station
Thomas P. Sheahen
Western Technology, Inc.
Fred Singer
University of Virginia (ret.) /
Science and Environmental Policy Project /
National Center for Policy Analysis
Roy Spencer University of Alabama at Huntsville /
Marshall Institute /
Interfaith Stewardship Alliance
Philip Stott
University of London (ret.)
Willie Wei-Hock Soon
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics /
Marshall Institute /
Fraser Institute /
Science and Public Policy Institute
The Bloggers
Michael Asher
Joseph Bast Heartland Institute
Edward John Craig National Review
Dan Gainor Media Research Center
Barry Hearn
Steven Milloy Competitive Enterprise Institute
Tom Nelson
Lubos Motl Harvard University (ret.)
Roger Pielke, Jr. University of Colorado
Jon Jay Ray
Gabriel Rychert
Marc Sheppard Frontiers of Freedom
Noel Sheppard Media Research Center
Matthew Sheffield Media Research Center
Phil Valentine The Phil Valentine Show
Anthony Watts

The “Think Tankers”
Dennis Avery Hudson Institute
Mike Burita American Council for Capital Formation
Terry Dunleavy New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
Robert Ferguson Science and Public Policy Institute
Tom Harris International Climate Science Coalition
Christopher Monckton Science and Public Policy Institute
Craig Rucker Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
James Taylor Heartland Institute
The Weathermen
William M. Briggs statistician
Richard S. Courtney
CoalTrans International (ret.)
Joseph D’Aleo Weather Channel (ret.)
Art Horn weatherman (ret.)
Alan Siddons

George E. Smith
Monsanto, Hewlett Packard (ret.)
James Spann weatherman, ABC 33/40
Herb Stevens
weatherman (ret.)

The Scientists: Ph.D.s, often with strong industry ties, who may or may not have experience in climate science, but are ready to denounce the scientific consensus

The Bloggers: They flood the Web with “news” and opinion, ready to be picked up by Drudge, Fox News, and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber

The “Think Tankers”: Ready spokesmen associated with impressive-sounding organizations, often founded by themselves

The Weathermen: Meteorologists, statisticians, and corporate scientists not associated with a think tank or university, but happy to give reporters their “expert” opinion

Update: Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard responds, "I'm sure I speak for all my fellow jokers when I say that I am honored to be mentioned with these highly-respected climate realists."

DeSmogBlog is "working to research the individuals on Morano's list" and compiling this handy referral guide; we're linking the names to their backgrounders as they're added.

George E. Smith ( writes in to inform The Wonk Room that he is not the George E. Smith formerly of Bell Labs who invented the charged coupled device. In fact, this Smith is a different inventor with "no discernible experience in climate or earth sciences." He writes: "I think you owe George E. Smith, Bell Labs (ret) an apology." The Wonk Room agrees and apologizes for sullying that George E. Smith's reputation.

In an email interview spurred by John Tierney's attack on Obama's scientists that cites "Obamite" Roger Pielke Jr., Pielke compares me to Joe McCarthy.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ian, this blog is completely non-commercial. Do not come back.