Blog Archive
Methane, the ticking time bomb, will go off!
Scientific American (December 2009), "Methane -- A...
James Hansen: Never-Give-Up Fighting Spirit -- Le...
Gavin Schmidt, RealClimate: The CRU hack -- context
Combined Global Land and Marine Surface Temperatur...
Peter Laut, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2003, Sol...
Spencer Weart, science historian, expresses his co...
Australian climate row highlights Copenhagen rifts
Climate change: How global warming is having an im...
Arctic warming spike predicted for February 2010
Rising sea level poses risk to Qatar, neighbours
NOAA: 2009 Arctic Report Card, updated -- section ...
Nordell & Gervet, Intl. J. Global Warming,Trapping...
H. Damon Matthews et al., Nature 459 (2009), The p...
Damon Matthews, Nature (June 2009), Carbon emissio...
E. D. Schulze et al., Nature Geoscience (Nov. 2009...
Detlef Schulze et al., Nature Geoscience, Intensiv...
Timothy J. Garrett, Climatic Change (Nov. 2009), A...
"Is global warming unstoppable? "based on paper by...
A. Shiklomanov: A general increase of river disch...
James Hansen: Storms of My Grandchildren
Global warming challenging Canada's northern infra...
Jeffrey Park, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36 (2009), A re...
Jeffrey Park: Oceans absorbing carbon dioxide mor...
The Manufactured Doubt industry and the hacked ema...
CNN: Sea level rise could cost port cities $28 tr...
Michael Mann Responds to CRU Hack
"Blessed Unrest" by Paul Hawken: book review by La...
George Monbiot: Global warming rigged? Here's the...
The Guardian: Climate scientist Phil Jones at cent...
BBC: Rising sea levels: A tale of two cities -- R...
Climatic Research Unit update - November 24, 2009,...
Plans for Copenhagen by Leon Simons, Dutch Country...
Research fraud by Douglass, Christy, Pearsona & Si...
A little dark humor to warm our beleaguered souls
Eli Rabett: Ed Darrell found something interestin...
2009 predicted to be in the top 5 warmest years on...
The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Climate Science Report
Arctic expedition to initiate methane hydrate expl...
China's emissions from coal increase despite econo...
Al Gore to techies: Shake off the lethargy
The Global Warming Denial Machine
Duke Energy's Jim Rogers: Why nuclear power will ...
Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States...
Lester R. Brown: A hotter planet means less on ou...
Seth Borenstein: Climate change speeds up since 1...
A. R. Desai et al., Nature Geosci., Stronger winds...
Richard Black of the BBC: East Antarctic ice sheet...
J. L. Chen, C. R. Wilson, D. Blankenship & B. D. T...
Yamamoto-Kawai, McLaughlin, Carmack, Science 326, ...
New radar technique (REFRACTT) locates storm-fueli...
Climate sceptic James Delingpole's cheap shot at N...
Wettest November in Wales since records began in 1...
Current sea-surface-temperature anomalies -- bizar...
How Andrew Revkin of the New York Times sold out t...
Andy Revkin sells out to the fossil fuel interests...
Antarctic temperature spike surprises climate rese...
Real Climate: The CRU hack
Dozen lesser-known chemicals (chlorofluorocarbons ...
MIRAS instrument on ESA's SMOS satellite up and ru...
M. Yamamoto-Kawai et al., Science 326, Aragonite u...
Der Spiegel bought off by fossil fuel interests!!!
U.S. group sees worsening coastal flooding threat ...
National Geographic photographer in Antarctica
S. Khatiwala, F. Primeau, T. Hall, Nature 462, Rec...
Real Climate: A Treeline Story by Raypierre
World on course for catastrophic 6 °C rise, reveal...
Clouds Can Reveal Shape of Continents
Oceans Said to Absorb Fewer Emissions
MSU/AMSU Channel TLT Brightness Temperature Anomal...
MSU/AMSU Channel TLT Brightness Temperature Anomal...
BBC's Richard Black: Greenland ice loss 'accelera...
Laurie Williams & Allan Zabel: Cap-and-trade mirage
Joseph Romm: Record high temperatures far outpace...
Nitrate concentrations in Greenland ice have almos...
A. Luque & U. Ebert, Nature Geosci., Emergence of ...
Lightning storms at mid-latitudes and in the subtr...
NewScientist: Tuna in peril as catches reach trip...
A. Montenegro et al., Glob. Planet. Change, 2009, ...
NewScientist: Trees in far north provide biggest ...
NewScientist: Mini ice age took hold of Europe in...
Richard A. Kerr, Science, 326, Both of the World's...
Jeffery P. Severinghaus, Science 326, Atmospheric ...
Richard A. Kerr, Science, 326, Amid worrisome sign...
Michiel van den Broeke et al., Science 326, Partit...
Wet phases in the Sahara/Sahel region and human mi...
H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, W. S. Broeker, G. H. Dent...
Greenland's mass loss increases to 0.75 mm per yea...
Antarctic iceberg on walkabout toward Australia
Peak Oil Already Here: Key oil numbers were disto...
Rajendra Pachauri: India 'arrogant' to deny globa...
Greenland ice and Himalayan glaciers: What’s going...
Greenland's ice sheet melting faster than ever
Anders Levermann: Global warming increases the ri...
J. Nye et al., Changing spatial distribution of fi...
Federal study shows fish species moving toward mor...
How stable is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning ...
J. Oster, I. P. Montañe, W. D. Sharp & K. M. Coope...
Jessica Oster et al., Cave stalagmite ring study l...
A little dark humor to warm our beleaguered souls
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