When we see records being broken and unprecedented events such as this, the onus is on those who deny any connection to climate change to prove their case. Global warming has fundamentally altered the background conditions that give rise to all weather. In the strictest sense, all weather is now connected to climate change. Kevin Trenberth
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Here is a link to NASA's Earth Observatory of how hot air was belched out into the stratosphere over the North Pole in February 2009 (the 7-Mb animation takes a very long time to load, but I guarantee you it is worth the wait and is scary to watch).
Link to QuickTime animation (by way of explanation, please note that the image on the right shows temperatures at an altitude of about 30 kilometers. The temperatures begin at a low of negative 88 degrees centigrade (-88 °C). As the heat is belched through the polar vortex, splitting it in two, temperatures rise to a positive 12 degrees centigrade (+12 °C) . Note also that the heat is coming from the southern latitudes just north of the equator.):
And, a quote from Chris Mooney's book "Storm World" (page 57) that Susan A. was so kind to send to me:
"The 'most important and obvious' positive feedback identified in the Charney report involved atmospheric water vapor. Due to a physical law known as the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, the amount of moisture that can be carried by the air increases along a steeply sloping curve as temperature rises."
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