The fossil fuel industry is desperate. They’re searching the earth for more and more extreme forms of energy, hoping to get the last of the oil, coal and gas out of the ground before it’s all gone.
With this extreme desperation for fossil fuels comes extreme behavior. Russian oil giant Gazprom is trying to get the last of the oil and gas out of the Russian Arctic, an extreme endeavor likely to cause massive disruption to that delicate ecosystem, in addition to fueling catastrophic climate change.

security services seize the ship at gunpoint following a Greenpeace
International peacefull protest against Arctic oil drilling. Photo taken
with a camera phone, Sept. 19.
With guns, knives and extreme, disproportionate intimidation. And now, today, after the Arctic 30 have been detained for days without charges, we’ve finally learned that the Russian government has the audacity to charge five of the Arctic 30 with piracy. Look at those photos. Who do you think the pirates are?

Russian security services abseiling from a helicopter onto the deck of the Arctic Sunrise, Sept. 19.

security services abseiling from a helicopter onto the deck of the
Arctic Sunrise and seizing the ship at gunpoint following a Greenpeace
International peaceful protest against Arctic drilling.
Visit EcoWatch’s OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING page for more related news on this topic.
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