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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

U.S. Antarctic Program projects, 2009-2010

Isn't this awesome!!!

U.S. Antarctic Program projects, 2009-2010
The projects listed in the table below include a link to the principal investigator's web site (if available) and a link to the project's NSF award information and abstract. Links to project lists by science program are included in the left-hand navigation bar.
Principal Investigator
(Project Web site)
Award No.
(NSF award information)
Project Title
Adams, Byron0840979Limits and Drivers of Metazoan Distributions in the TAM
Ainley, David0440643Geographic structure of Adelie penguin populations: Demography of population change
Alley, Richard0539578Physical properties of the WAIS Divide deep core
Amsler, Charles0838773The chemical ecology of shallow-water marine macro-algae and invertebrates on the Antarctic Peninsula
Anderson, DaleNASA AwardLake Joyce Microbialites
Anderson, John0837925History of and mechanisms leading to post-LGM retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Barbeau, David0732995Testing the polar gateway glaciation hypothesis: The kinematic sedimentary, water-mass, and ice-volume record of Drake Passage opening
Barrett, John0838922The role of snow patches on the spatial distribution of soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling in the antarctic dry valleys
Barwick, Steven0839133Development of Station Technology for the ARIANNA Ultr-High Energy Neutrino Detector
Bay, Ryan0739743Dust logging at Dome C for abrupt climate changes, large volcanic eruptions and bolide impacts
Bender, Michael0636731Dating and paleoenvironmental studies on ancient ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Bentley, Charles0841135Ice coring and drilling services (ICDS) support for WAIS Divide
Besson, Dave0826747Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment (RICE)
Bieber, John073962Cosmic Ray Observations at McMurdo Station
Bindschadler, Robert0732906IPY: Ocean-Ice Sheet Interaction in the Amundsen Sea: The Keystone of West Antarctic Stability
Blankenship, Donald0733025IPY Research: Investigating the Cryospheric Evolution of the Central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP)
Bristow, William A.0853265South Pole (McMurdo) SuperDARN
Buesseler, Kenneth0838866WAP-flux: New tools to study the fate of phytoplankton production in the West Antarctic Peninsula
Butler, JamesNSF/NOAA agreementSouth Pole monitoring for climatic change
Butler, JamesNSF/NOAA agreementCollection of atmospheric air for the NOAA/GMD worldwide flask sampling network
Butler, RhettEAR 0004370Global seismograph station at South Pole and Palmer stations
Carlstrom, John0750083Science Coordination Office for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica (SCOARA)
Carlstrom, John0636937South Pole observations to test cosmological models
Carpenter, Edward0739640Biogeochemistry of cyanobacterial mats and hyporheic zone microbes in McMurdo Dry Valley glacial melt-water streams
Cassano, John0739464Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice interaction in a coastal polynya
Chereskin, Teri0636493Dynamics and transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Drake Passage
Chereskin, Teri0338103Southern Ocean Current Observations from the U.S. Antarctic Research Vessels, 2010-14
Cohn, Stephen0733007NCAR facility support, scientific contributions and collaborative research to understand environmental change in Antarctica through participation in the international CONCRDIASI project
Comberiate, MikeNSF/NASA agreementNAILS, MTRS1, MTRS2, and SPTR
Costa, Daniel0838927Weddell seals as autonomous sensors of the winter oceanography of the Ross Sea
Davis, Randall0739390Hunting darkness: Behavioral and energetic strategies of Weddell seals in winter
Deshler, Terry0839124Measurements of antarctic ozone and polar stratospheric cloud profiles in a time of decreasing atmospheric chlorine, climate change, and fluctuations in polar vortex strength
Domack, Eugene0732467IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine and Quaternary Geosciences
Doran, Peter0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Doran, PeterNASA-ASTEP projectNASA ASTEP: Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic ANtarctiC Explorer (ENDURANCE)
Ducklow, Hugh0823101Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER): Looking back in time through marine ecosystem space, microbial ecology component
Emslie, Steven0739575Stable isotope analyses of pygoscelid penguin remains from active and abandoned colonies in Antarctica
Engebretson, Mark0838917Conjugate studies of ULF waves and magnetospheric dynamics using ground-based induction magnetometers at four, high-latitude manned sites
Engler, Elise0840003Unpacking Antarctica
Evenson, Paul0838838Measurement of cosmic ray response functions for an ice Cherenkov detector
Evenson, Paul Arthur0838839Element Composition of High Energy Solar Particles
Foreman, Christine0838970The biogeochemical evolution of dissolved organic matter in a fluvial system on the Cotton Glacier, Antarctica
Fountain, Andrew0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Fraser, Bill0823101Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER): Looking back in time through marine ecosystem space, apex predator component
Fritts, David0839084Radar measurements of large- and small-scale dynamics of the MLT on the Antarctic Peninsula with an existing MF radar and a new generation meteor radar at British and Brazilian bases
Garrott, Robert0635739Interactions of environmental variability, life-history traits, and demography in an apex Antarctic predator
Gillies, John0636218Dynamics of aeolian processes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Gogineni, Prasad0424589Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS)
Gogineni, Prasad0424589Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) - Ground Seismics
Gogineni, Prasad0424589CReSIS - UAV Operations
Greenberg, Stanley0840007Photographs of the IceCube neutrino observatory
Gutierrez, Carlos0848627Frozen Planet
Halzen, Francis0639286IceCube operations and maintenance
Hargreaves, GeoffreyNSF/USGS agreementNational Ice Core Laboratory (NICL)
Harvey, Ralph0839168Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET)
Hernandez, Gonzalo0838888Austral, high-latitude atmospheric dynamics
Huerta, Audrey0739713Byrd Glacier: Evidence for plateau collapse
Inan, Umran0538242ELF/VLF observation in the Southern Pacific Ocean
Inan, Umran0636928A VLF beacon transmitter at South Pole
Inan, Umran0538627ELF/VLF observation of lightning discharge, whistler-mode waves and electron precipitation at Palmer Station
Johns, BjornEAR 0321760UNAVCO GPS survey support
Joughin, Ian0631973Constraining the mass balance deficit of the Amundsen Coast's glaciers
Kemerait, RobertNSF/DOD MOADry Valley seismic project
Kennicutt, Mahlon0354573Temporal variability in natural and anthropogenic disturbance of McMurdo Station
Kim, Stacy0619622Development of a remotely operated vehicle for under-ice research in polar environments
Kirschvink, Joseph0739541Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleocene strata from the James Ross Island region: Chemo-, magneto-, and biomarker tests of intercontinental correlation and extinction hypotheses
Kovac, John0742818BICEP and SPUD — A search for inflation with degree-scale polarimetry from the South Pole
Kurbatov, Andrei0631973Exploring a 2 Million + Year Ice Climate Archive-Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (2MBIA)
Kyle, Philip0838817Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory III (MEVO III): Conduit processes and surveillance.
LaBelle, James0838745Multi-instrument studies of auroral plasma radiation
Lazzara, Matthew0636873Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program (AWS), 2007-2010
Lazzara, Matthew0838834Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (2009-2012)
Lee, Richard0837559Role of Dehydration and Photoperiodism in preparing an Antarctic insect for the polar night
Lessard, Marc0636874Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn) — Advancing the vision for global studies
Linder, Chris0839980Raptor of the South
Lyons, Berry0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
MacPhee, Ross0636639Vertebrate paleontology of Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
Manahan, Donal0504072A graduate training program in Antarctica: Integrative biology and adaptation of antarctic marine organisms
Martinson, Doug0732656SASSI mooring array in the western Antarctic Peninsula
Martinson, Doug0823101Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER): Looking back in time through marine ecosystem space, physical oceanography component
McCarthy, KevinNSF/NASA agreementNASA/McMurdo Ground Station (MGS)
McKay, ChristopherNASA ASTEP AwardIceBite: An auger and sampling systems for ground ice on Mars
McKee, Anna0840099Ice cores, translucent truths from the antarctic ice sheet
McKnight, Diane0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Mende, Stephen0636899Antarctic auroral imaging
Millan, RobynNSF/NASA agreementBalloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL)
Mitchell, JohnNSF/NASA agreementBalloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer (BESS)
Morin, Paul0753663The Antarctic Geospatial Information Center: Collecting, Creating, Delivering and Archiving for the Community
Naveen, Ron0739430Multispecies, Multiscale Investigations of Long-term Changes in Penguin and Seabird Populations on the Antarctic Peninsula
Neill, Christopher0732955IPY: Improving the Public’s Understanding of Polar Research through Hands-On Fellowships for Science Journalists in the Arctic and Antarctic
Nitsche, Frank-Oliver0838735Cross-shelf troughs as indicators of ice sheet dynamics along the West Antarctic continental margin
Nowacek, Douglas0739483The ecological role of a poorly studied antarctic krill predator, the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Nyblade, Andy0537371A broadband seismic experiment to image the lithosphere beneath the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica
Orsi, Alejandro0839005Atmosphere-ice-ocean interactions in the eastern Ross Sea
Palo, Scott0538672Collaborative study of the Antarctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Parker, Timothy0619708Iris/Passcal
Priscu, John0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Saito, Mak0732665Comparative genomic and proteomic survey of major antarctic marine phytoplankton: A foundation for polar phytoplankton genomics
Scambos, Theodore0732921Abrupt environmental change in the Larsen Ice Shelf system, a multi-disciplinary approach — Cryosphere and oceans (LARISSA)
Schofield, Oscar0823101Palmer Longer Term Ecological Research (LTER): Looking back in time through marine ecosystem space (phytoplankton component)
Seo, Eun-SukNSF/NASA agreementCosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM)
Severinghaus, Jeffrey0839031A "horizontal ice core" for large-volume samples of the past atmosphere
Simms, Alexander0838781Constraining the deglaciation of the Antarctic Peninsula using OSL dated beach deposits
Sivjee, Gulamabas0636706Observation of upper-atmospheric energetics, dynamics, and long-term variations over South Pole Station
Skidmore, Mark0636770Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of Taylor Glacier basal ice
Soreghan, Gerilyn0842639Development of Quantitative weather indicators in proximal alluvial sediments to assess glacial activity in the rock record
Sprintall, Janet0337998The Drake Passage high-density XBT/XCTD Program
Steffen, Konrad0732946Stability of Larsen C Ice Shelf in a Warming Climate
Steinberg, Deborah0823101Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (LTER): Looking back in time through marine ecosystem space, zooplankton component
Stepp, BillNSF/NASA agreementNASA Long Duration Ballooning (LDB)
Sweeney, Colm0636975Processes driving spatial and temporal variability of surface pCO2 in the Drake Passage
Szuberla, CurtNSF/CTBT MOAOperation and maintenance of a CTBT class infrasound array at Windless Bight
Taylor, Kendrick0440817Investigation of climate, ice dynamics, and biology using a deep ice core from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Taylor, Michael0542164Quantifying the role of short-period gravity waves on the antarctic mesospheric dynamics using Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM)
Torres, Joseph0741348Possible climate-induced change in the distribution of Pleuragramma antarcticumon the Western Antarctic Peninsula shelf
Trivelpiece, Wayne0839129Penguins as monitors of the krill-centric Southern Ocean marine ecosystem
Tulaczyk, Slawek0636970Elevation change anomalies in West Antarctica — Do they provide constraints on subglacial water transport beneath ice streams and their tributaries?
Vernet, Maria0732983IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System, a Multidisciplinary Approach-Marine Ecosystems
Virginia, Ross0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Wall, Diana0423595Role of resource legacy on contemporary linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem processes in a cold desert ecosystem: The McMurdo Dry Valley LTER program
Warren, Stephen0739779Ocean surfaces on Snowball Earth
Weatherwax, Allan T.0840158Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations: PENGUIn
Weatherwax, Allan T.0638587Study of the polar ionosphere and magnetosphere from Antarctic measurements
Wilson, Terry0632322IPY POLENET-Antarctica: Investigating links between geodynamics and ice sheets
Wu, Norbert0732907Poles Apart: Visual documentation of the marine ecosystems of the polar regions
Wyatt, Michael0739702Orbital spectral mapping of surface compositions in the antarctic Dry Valleys: Regional distributions of secondary mineral-phases as climate indicators
Zesta, Eftyhia0636939South American Meridional B-Field Array (SAMBA): An American-Chilean chain

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