Blog Archive
John Cook, John Wahr: Greenland ice mass loss thr...
Posts from October 2010
GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists
Coward, national traitor, job-killer Charles Koch ...
Jellyfish 'may benefit from ecosystem instability'...
Richard Somerville editorial: How much should the ...
Models predict extreme precipitation, extremely lo...
NOAA: Record high (94 °F) in Houston, TX, October ...
Rated FALSE by the Truth-O-Meter (and James Hansen...
IPCC was not wrong about the Amazon's high sensiti...
Du Pont, Koch, Honeywell fight to keep carbon emis...
Climate hawk Schwarzenegger says Prop 23 fight set...
Joseph Romm: Global warming is driving increased f...
JPL and CalTech researchers' findings reduce uncer...
Historical perspective on the Russian Heat Wave of...
Paul Douglas, Jeff Masters: October 26, 2010, wea...
Weather Bomb, all time record low pressure storm, ...
George Monbiot: Toxic Brew (Koch brothers finance...
12 leading U.K. scientists accuse World Growth Int...
NASA's Artemis mission to the Mooon
Record temperatures in Greenland, thinning sea ice...
Graham Cogley: Dirt (debris) on glaciers
Arch Coal Co. West Virginia Spruce 1 mountaintop m...
Hacked climate emails: MPs rake over the coals but...
Palau Announces Massive Marine Sanctuary for whale...
Scathing review by the Planning Assessment Commiss...
The Sydney Morning Herald environmental news page
Australian NSW farmers have called for all new min...
Aaron Lewis: Greenland's Ice Sheet -- dynamics of...
Scott Mandia: Monckton KO’d in Recent Debate by P...
Joseph Romm: Scientific American jumps the shark. ...
James E. Overland & Muyin Wang, Tellus, Large-scal...
"Persistence of climate changes due to a range of ...
Richard Black, BBC: Governments agreed earlier to ...
BBC: UK rail network 'at risk' from climate change...
Andrew Freedman, WaPo: Arctic sea ice loss linked ...
Jeffrey D. Sachs: The Deepening Crisis -- When wil...
Water -- The New Oil: Should private companies con...
Greenland’s Jakobshavn could be poised to speed up...
Konrad Steffen: Greenland’s contribution to sea le...
Louisiana boat captains report: orange, sticky, oi...
James Hansen: Coal River Mountain Redux
Grist: Floody Hell: Postcards from the Future
Bill Gates donates $700,000 to help in the fight a...
Hawaii Rejects Proposed Ban on Solar Energy
American Physical Society (APS) has issued a stron...
The 2nd law of thermodynamics and the greenhouse e...
Jeff Masters: Cyclone Giri hits Myanmar -- streng...
John Cook: Climate cherry pickers -- Falling humi...
What Role Have Scalia And Thomas Played In The Koc...
Yale Forum: Science Magazine Reporter Drills Down ...
University of Virginia continues to stand up to Ke...
Arctic temperature rising at near record rates, se...
Aiguo Dai, NCAR: Drought may threaten much of glo...
" Climate Change and the Integrity of Science, Aga...
Christian Science Monitor jumps the shark with pre...
National traitors, fascists David and Charles Koch...
Coal slurry from broken Murray Energy pipeline pol...
National traitors, anarchists David and Charles Ko...
James Cameron joins Prop 23 fight and donates $1 m...
"Do critics of the hockey stick realise what they'...
Adaptation and extinction in experimentally fragme...
WWF: Tropics in Decline as Natural Resources Exha...
The Living Planet Report by the World Wildlife Fund
"The attribution of the present-day total greenhou...
Joe Miller’s private security force falsely ‘arres...
Global Sea Surface Temperatures (not anomalies) fo...
Denialist argument: The Models Don't Have Clouds
Climate change is an economic crisis
In Climate Denial, Again (New York Times editorial)
Jeff Masters: Potentially catastrophic Super Typho...
Gerald R. North, National Research Council's chair...
How fear of bias dominates the climate change deba...
Reducing Uncertainty About Climate Change -- Studi...
Atmospheric CO2: Principal Control Knob Governing ...
Carbon Dioxide Controls Earth's Temperature accord...
Lake Mead approaching lowest level in its history
Russian Firestorm: Finding a Fire Cloud from Space
NOAA: Temperature Anomalies August 2010
DMI and GISS Arctic Temperatures: Hide the Increase?’s Jeff Masters: From ‘Mad Scienti...
Peter Goldmark: Time is running out
U.N. Climate-Change Panel Chairman Rajendra Pachau...
Gavin Schmidt: Taking the Measure of the Greenhou...
NASA reports hottest January to September on recor...
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Mann responds to Rep. Barton
James Hansen: Conservative Principles and the 350...
Joann D. Haigh et al., Nature 467 (2010), An influ...
Joanna Haigh: we may have overestimated the sun's ...
Message from Solar Power International: The solar ...
Bill McKibben: How do you say "Thank you!" 7,347 ...
Climate science under attack
Fortune: What a scientist didn't tell the New Yo...
Koch Industries out-of-state dirty coal money supp...
Monckton's testimony (invited by Sensenbrenner) wa...
Bill McKibben's 10:10:10 message: It's happening--...
"GMU investigating climate change skeptic cited by...
Old claims of bad climate science countered by new...
Eli Rabett weighs in on Wegman plagarism and Judy'...
Livestock production set to become unsustainable
NOAA: Temperature Anomalies August 2010
Have a look over at Russia -- Yikes! (Not to forget Greenland!)
Figure 1. Departure of temperature from average for September 2010. Image credit: National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) .
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