Blog Archive
Homes and dreams drown as waters rise in Rhode Isl...
Teleconference on Recent Developments in Climate S...
Records falls as rainstorm pounds U.S. East Coast ...
NASA study finds Atlantic 'Conveyor Belt' not slow...
Rare tropical cyclone forms in deep South Atlantic...
As global mean temperature increases, soils are re...
S. A. Khan, J. Wahr, M. Bevis, I. Velicogna & E. K...
Animation depicting the spread of ice loss into no...
Greenland Ice Sheet Losing Mass on Northwest Coast
Nope! For the thousandths time, it is not the Sun!
Joseph Romm: Study reports, “It is clear … that th...
Daily Kos: Not to be forgotten -- Dealing with Cli...
Andy Revkin misses the point entirely of the rathe...
John Cook: What CO2 level would cause the Greenla...
E. J. Stone et al., The effect of more realistic f...
Richard Black explains the reasons behind the defe...
Wit's End, a very noteworthy blog by Gail near Pri...
Brave New Ocean talk by Jeremy Jackson of the Scri...
James Hansen et al., Current GISS Global Surface T...
Canada basks in record high temperatures
Northern Canadian First Nations declare state of e...
Sharon Begley, Newsweek: The Lomborg Deception D...
UN Rejects Export Ban on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Denmark's fascist government takes peaceful activi...
US proposal to ban polar bear trade voted down at ...
US wants polar bears promoted to CITES Appendix I,...
Bluefin Tuna Stocks have crashed by 85%: Monaco wa...
UK's Institute of Physics may have submitted biase...
H. Damon Matthews & Andrew J. Weaver, Nature Geosc...
J. B. Sallée, K. G. Speer & S. R. Rintoul, Nature ...
Jean-Baptiste Sallée: Southern Annular Mode -- win...
Elizabeth May of Canada's Green Party comments on ...
Tim Lambert of Deltoid debates Monckton, basically...
Charles G. Trick et al., PNAS, 2010, Iron enrichme...
Joe Romm: The Lomborg Deception: The Septical Envi...
Aquatic 'Dead Zones' Contributing to Climate Chang...
John Cook, Skeptical Science: CO2 levels during t...
Peak Water strikes: Cyprus conflict closes leaders...
Arcti Sea ice arches at the northern end of the Fr...
Growing low-oxygen dead zones in ocean off the U.S...
L. G. thompson et al., PNAS, 103(28), Abrupt tropi...
The Climate Denial Machine: Naomi Oreskes on "Mer...
Climate Denial Machine: NZ sceptics lie about tem...
Wind speeds off the coast of southern Brazil -- ma...
Natalia Shakhova interview on subsea methane in th...
Steven J. Davis & Ken Caldeira, PNAS (2010), Consu...
Climate Myths and Questions. Part I, by Kieran Mul...
A Conversation with a Genuine Skeptic: John Cook o...
Andrew Dessler et al., On global warming, the scie...
High sea levels causing damage along the coast of ...
Mar provoca estragos no litoral do Nordeste
Record floods sweep across two Australia states, M...
John Cook, Skeptical Science: Does record snowfal...
G. J. McCabe & D. M. Wolock, Climatic Change, Long...
State of Arctic Sea ice extremely bad north of Ell...
Can solid oxide fuel cells like the Bloom box rema...
John Cook, Skeptical Science: New observations fi...
North Pole's polar vortex virtually non-existent i...
Natalia Shakhova, Igor Semiletov: Arctic seabed me...
Natalia Shakhova, I. Semiletov, A. Salyuk, V. Yusu...
Methane bubbles in Arctic seas stir warming fears
Peter Hogarth, Skeptical Science: Visual depiction...
“Warm Ice” signature in the Nares Strait/Robeson C...
R. Kwok et al., GRL, 37 (2010), Large sea ice outf...
M. Zreda et al., Nature, 398, Unblocking of the Na...
Dr. Jeff Masters' wunderblog: Winter storm Xynthi...
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