hmm, I find myself travelling back to this entry again, for some reason. Cancún brought little change. The oil and coal plutocrats have intensified their campaign to manipulate and confuse the American public (and the Australian, Canadian, New Zealandian, and English).
The science is coming in loud and clear. We have very little time left, if any, to turn this thing around. Three years ago, it was already possible for me to imagine that the hot warm air from the equatorial regions rushing for the poles would someday push out the cold air and dominate the Arctic, but I never ever imagined that this would occur so quickly. This past winter we have seen what that process can do. And will do.
The work of Shakhova and Semiletov at the University of Alaska tells us that the methane time bomb is ticking in the East Siberian Arctic Sea.
The Koch brothers, Shell Oil, Chevron, BP, and other fossil fuel companies continue their relentless campaign to burn the planet into oblivion.
We're at the end of a solar minimum and still in a La Nina, and this year is still the hottest on record.
Warmer waters are working away at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which has accelerated its movement toward the sea. Warmer waters are going to the bottom of the Arctic Sea. Jet streams are going all wacky. The list goes on and on.
And our governments are sitting on their hands.
I hope I have better news to report in December 2011.
Tenney Naumer, in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil, December 26, 2010
What a difference two years can make. When I began this blog, I thought there would be no need for it after a year to 18 months. I naively believed that within that time frame, the science would become so clear to everyone that by now we would all be busy, working together, to do something to save ourselves from further temperature increases. Boy, was I ever wrong! The oil and coal companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to promote confusion in the minds of the voting public, to promote junk science and junk scientists, to smear the reputations of real scientists who have spent the past two decades studying this problem and trying to get the results out and into the minds and hands of those who matter.
If anything is clear, it is that we are not done yet -- certainly not after the fiasco that was COP15. Now, we must continue, and we must work doubly hard to bring the truth to the public.
When I began this blog back in November 2007, I think it was, I thought a good day was when it had 6 to 9 visitors. By mid-2009, the blog was receiving an average of 300 visitors per day. During COP15, the average went up to 1,100. That is not chicken feed. There are nearly 2,000 posts on this blog, primarily articles for the advanced layperson. This blog can now be used as a select database (use the search field up in the upper left-hand corner, or go to the labels down the page in the left-hand column) for those looking for many of the most important articles on climate change. I never expected -- not in my wildest imaginings -- that I would ever post nearly so many articles.
My best wishes to all readers,
Tenney Naumer December 21, 2009, in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil

Ya know, I dunno. I am not a climatologist, nor a meteorologist, nor even a scientist. But, there is this thing called the Arctic Oscillation. It has been in the process of shifting gears, so to speak.
Cape Lisburne, Alaska, is a forlorn and desolate place, way the hell up north there in the Arctic Circle.
Right now (03:55 UTC), the temperature is 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees centigrade).
That poor Arctic sea ice is just getting a double whammy with the Arctic Oscillation, right when it would be nice to see it freeze up really hard.
Oops! I missed this from NOAA (it went all the way up to 55.9 degrees at 10 p.m. on November 30th). For current conditions at Cape Lisburne, click on this link:
Link to a map of the Artic -- click on the yellow dots for current temperatures:
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You are using lots of images that are protected by copyright. Giving credit to the creator is not adequate. When an image is not in the public domain, you need permission to use a specific image for a specific use.
Dear photosleuth,
You are correct. I also use a lot of text that is copyrighted. Although my use is non-commercial, I still need to request permission.
Even though I consider my use of the text and photos to fall under the heading of "educational," this is still not sufficient to relieve me of the requirement to seek permission for the use of the texts and the photographs.
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