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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More attacks on academic freedom at Michael Mann's former university in Virginia -- will

Climate Science FOI Report:

A clearing-house for climate science-related Freedom of Information Requests and links to background information on FOI legislation in the US (federal and state) and UK.

April 3, 2011

American Tradition Institute [see information on this entity below] and Del. Bob Marshall have also put in FOIA requests under Virginia law for all of the emails requested by Ken Cuccinelli as part of his FATA inquiry. Note that the response to a CID under FATA (currently under consideration by the Virginia Supreme Court) has nothing to with what is releasable under FOIA.

ATI FOIA Request to UVa from Mann emails

Marshall had a previous request for Mann's emails turned down since the records did not exist at Virginia. If a backup server that might have responsive records has subsequently been found (as claimed in the ATI request), then anything responsive still needs to be filtered for privacy, communications not related to an official position, academic freedom concerns etc. 

Virginia FOI laws can be found here.


March 25, 2011
The American Tradition Institute (ATI) is another in a long line of astroturf organisations in DC who shuffle through the same small number of activists. The only two people who appear to be active in this organization are Paul Chesser (formerly of the Heartland Institute and John Locke foundation) and the 'director' of their Environmental Law Center, Chris Horner, who is also an attorney for CEI.

They put in a request in 2011 for records related to Jim Hansen's (GISS) outside activities. This was mostly refused on the 'personal information' FOIA exemption (NASA Response).

ATI have now appealed that decision. Curiously they are using information gained via the CEI vs NASA lawsuit in DC district court, being pursued by.... Chris Horner.

Issues: FOIA Appeals, Personnel records, official duties

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