Saturday, April 2, 2011

The updated scariest graph you will ever see, the MSU/AMSU Channel TLT Brightness Temperature Anomaly by latitude over time

Here it is folks, the updated scariest graph you will ever see (go to link below to see in full detail):

MSU/AMSU Channel TLT Time v. Latitude



  1. just to spell it out:

    in the image one sees very clearly the warm effect of ENSO in the tropics and afterwards it looks like this warmth spreads out to temperate and polar regions.

  2. Excellent find. The temperature graph of the lower troposphere displayed here to me is like a chart of blood pressure of a patient. This patient clearly needs attention, the current lifestyle is just not bringing down the blood pressure. Small local fixes such as covering a glacier with a blanket will also not cut it. Use the link Tenney provided to examine the other data graphs.

  3. Hi guys,

    the first time I saw this graph must have been in 2008, and I was just shocked.

    As jyyh notes, you can see the ENSO, even though this is a graph of lower troposphere temperatures.

    I think of it as showing how the heat in the ocean circulates. You can see it going from the middle latitudes to the lower latitudes and back again.

    As we know, most of the heat of the heat imbalance caused by the greenhouse effect has been stored in the oceans.

    It is more certain than taxes that it is going to come up and bite us.
