Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Brad Johnson: Rockefeller: Preventing Action On Global Warming ‘Is Too Important For Us To Delay Any Further’

Rockefeller: Preventing Action On Global Warming ‘Is Too Important For Us To Delay Any Further’

by Brad Johnson, Wonk Room, Think Progress, December 17, 2010

Climate peacock Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) is threatening to tie up the funding of the government with his coal-powered campaign to kill climate action before the end of the year. In a press release issued Thursday, Rockefeller said that he is willing to try to “suspend the rules on the Omnibus Appropriations bill” to force a 2/3 vote for his “Dirty Air Act” amendment, which would stall EPA rules on global warming polluters until 2014:
The time has come for us to make a decision on the energy future of our country. I have spent this year fighting to make sure that Congress, not the EPA, determines how best to reduce greenhouse gases in a way that protects West Virginia’s economy. While there are still ongoing discussions about how Congress should proceed, I want to make it clear that I intend to get a vote this year on my EPA-suspension legislation. I know there is bipartisan support for this legislation, and if necessary, I will seek to suspend the rules and bring this up for a vote. This is too important for us to delay any further.
Meanwhile, the disaster of global warming pollution grows. “The first nine months of the year have seen the highest number of weather-related events since Munich Re started keeping records,” Peter Hoeppe, an expert from Munich Re’s Geo Risks Research department warned — including a flooding disasters in West Virginia inMarchMay, and June, followed by disastrous droughtAntarctic sea ice is being melted by a radically warming ocean. Phytoplankton populations are collapsing. And the rate of ocean acidification the fastest in 65 million years.
And yet Sen. Rockefeller, whose family fortune was built upon oil and has receivedover $800,000 from the fossil industry in campaign contributions, says that preventing the United States from even beginning to slow the pollution is what cannot be delayed.
UPDATEAfter Reid abandoned the omnibus bill last night, Rockefeller's options for forcing a vote on stalling climate action are now unclear.
UPDATERockefeller has abandoned his effort this year:
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., said Friday he was dropping, for now, his bill to delay greenhouse gas regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency. Rockefeller blamed Republicans for blocking the proposed omnibus appropriations bill, which he hoped to amend with the bill. He said Republicans also failed to support his attempt Friday to attach the bill to the proposed continuing resolution that will fund the government through mid-February.Rockefeller vowed to revive his bill next month, when the 112th Congress is sworn in.
Link:  http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2010/12/17/rockefeller-delay-urgent/ 

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