Thursday, June 24, 2010

Please help me, I am twitter impaired!

A commenter on the Climate Progress blog has asked that I add twitter to this blog.

Can anyone give me instructions on how to do this?

Much thanks,



  1. I assume you mean adding your posts (or at least the headlines) to twitter, followed by a link to the article.

    It's easy. first you need a twitter account, and then you need a service that takes your new posts and turns them into tweets.

    Personally I find to be the most useful (the more popular twitterfeed is unreliable in my experience.

    Alternatively you can just post to twitter manually.

  2. So, if I set this up with, then it will send titles of my posts to my twitter account, so then people have to choose to follow me on twitter?

    Man, I am so illiterate in this. I opened my twitter account a couple of years ago.


    OK, it feeds to my account, hmmm

    I think I need a gadget to put on my blog.

  3. "So, if I set this up with, then it will send titles of my posts to my twitter account, so then people have to choose to follow me on twitter?"


    There are many gadgets out there to put your tweet son your site like this one from twitter

    But if all you are doing is sending your blog posts to twitter then there is little point in showing them in the gadget.

  4. I think what I need is one of those little squares that people can click on if they want to follow the blog via twitter. Apparently, this is easy enough if you have a wordpress blog, but this is a blogspot blog.

  5. if you want to add a link to your twitter feed that is simple enough to do. It is just a regular hyperlink.

    As for the image you can steal the one I use @

  6. So, I think I am understanding that I will need to create a separate twitter account (because my personal account would not really be appropriate), then embed the link on the first page of my blog?
