Monday, March 25, 2013

Washington governor Jay Inslee and Oregon governor John Kitzhaber ask Obama administration for full review of coal leasing and leasing on air quality and greenhouse gases

WA and OR Governors ask Obama administration for full review of coal leasing and exportWant review of climate impacts and NEPA guidance before going forward with proposed terminals

Olympia, WA - In a letter sent today to the national Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber urged, in the strongest possible terms, a thorough examination of the greenhouse gas and other air quality effects of continued coal leasing and export. The two governors also asked that the Council finalize National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidance on climate change and apply it to these projects. 

“We are very encouraged that Governors Inslee and Kitzhaber are raising critical questions on the long-term impacts that coal leasing and exports will have on our communities,” said Beth Doglio, campaign director of the Power Past Coal Coalition. “The public deserves answers on these issues before taxpayer dollars are used to prop up an industry that pollutes our air and water, endangers public health, and produces more climate pollution.”

“We are glad to see these two leaders working together to ask the right questions,” said Brett VandenHeuvel, Executive Director of Columbia Riverkeeper. “Coal export would harm our air, water, and climate so it makes sense to evaluate the impacts.”

"Ranching near the proposed coal mine that would haul coal to the ports, we are thrilled that the governors of Oregon and Washington are demanding that authorities question whether it’s good policy for America to be sending our coal to Asia," said Walter Archer, chair of the Northern Plains Resource Council and a rancher who lives near the proposed Otter Creek mine.

POWER PAST COAL is an ever-growing alliance of health, environmental, businesses, clean-energy, faith and community groups working to stop coal export off the West Coast. 

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