Friday, December 9, 2011

Abigail Borah from Middlebury College interupts Todd Stern, U.S. climate envoy, who is later questioned by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now in Durban

"I’m Scared for My Future": Student Disrupts Speech by U.S. Climate Envoy Todd Stern in Durban


Several prominent U.S. environmental groups have accused the Obama administration of obstructing negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference and have called for the United States to step aside and let other countries carry on with the talks. Earlier today, the top U.S. climate negotiator Todd Stern addressed the U.N. summit for the first time. But as he took the stage, Middlebury College student Abigail Borah interrupted the proceedings. "I am scared for my future," Borah told Stern. "2020 is too late to wait. We need an urgent path to a fair, ambitious and legally binding treaty. You must take responsibility to act now." Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman later questioned Stern about Borah’s comments and accusations the United States is a major obstacle to progress at the climate talks. [includes rush transcript]

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